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Produkt zum Begriff Advances-in-Data-and:

  • Algorithms and Data Structures in Action
    Algorithms and Data Structures in Action

    As a software engineer, you’ll encounter countless programming challenges that initially seem confusing, difficult, or even impossible. Don’t despair! Many of these “new” problems already have well-established solutions. Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures teaches you powerful approaches to a wide range of tricky coding challenges that you can adapt and apply to your own applications. Providing a balanced blend of classic, advanced, and new algorithms, this practical guide upgrades your programming toolbox with new perspectives and hands-on techniques.about the technologyData structures and algorithms are the foundations for how programs store and process information. Choosing the optimal algorithms ensures that your programs are fast, efficient, and reliable.about the bookAlgorithms and Data Structures in Action expands on the basic algorithms you already know to give you a better selection of solutions to different programming problems. In it, you’ll discover techniques for improving priority queues, efficient caching, clustering data, and more. Each example is fully illustrated with graphics, language agnostic pseudo-code, and code samples in various languages. When you’re done, you will be able to implement advanced and little-known algorithms to deliver better performance from your code.what's insideImproving on basic data structuresEfficient cachingNearest neighbour search, including k-d trees and S-treesFull ‘pseudo-code’ and samples in multiple languagesabout the readerFor programmers with basic or intermediate skills. Written in a language-agnostic manner, no specific language knowledge is required.about the authorMarcello La Rocca is a research scientist and a full-stack engineer focused on optimization algorithms, genetic algorithms, machine learning and quantum computing. He has contributed to large-scale web applications at companies like Twitter and Microsoft, has undertaken applied research in both academia and industry, and authored the Neatsort adaptive sorting algorithm.   

    Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
    Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

    Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Second Edition is designed to be easy to read and understand although the topic itself is complicated. Algorithms are the procedures that software programs use to manipulate data structures. Besides clear and simple example programs, the author includes a workshop as a small demonstration program executable on a Web browser. The programs demonstrate in graphical form what data structures look like and how they operate. In the second edition, the program is rewritten to improve operation and clarify the algorithms, the example programs are revised to work with the latest version of the Java JDK, and questions and exercises will be added at the end of each chapter making the book even more useful.   Educational Supplement Suggested solutions to the programming projects found at the end of each chapter are made available to instructors at recognized educational institutions. This educational supplement can be found at, in the Instructor Resource Center.    

    Preis: 38.51 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology
    Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology

    The ability to expertly analyse statistical data is a crucial skill in the biological sciences – it is fundamental to fully understanding what your experiments are actually telling you. Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology gives you everything you need to master the key skills of statistical analysis. Written in a straight-forward and easy to understand style it presents all of the tests you will need throughout your studies, and shows you how to select the right tests to get the most out of your experiments. All of this is done in the context of biological examples so you can see just how relevant a skill this is, and how becoming fully proficient will make you a more rounded scientist. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Data and Computer Communications
    Data and Computer Communications

    For a one/two-semester courses in Computer Networks, Data Communications, and Communications Networks in CS, CIS, and Electrical Engineering departments.   With a focus on the most current technology and a convenient modular format, this best-selling text offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the entire data and computer communications field. Emphasising both the fundamental principles as well as the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design, it explores in detail all the critical technical areas in data communications, wide-area networking, local area networking, and protocol design. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist eine Big Data Analyse?

    Was ist eine Big Data Analyse? Eine Big Data Analyse bezieht sich auf die Untersuchung und Auswertung von großen und komplexen Datensätzen, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse und Muster zu gewinnen. Durch den Einsatz von fortschrittlichen Analysetechniken wie Data Mining, maschinellem Lernen und künstlicher Intelligenz können Unternehmen Trends identifizieren, Vorhersagen treffen und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen. Diese Analyse ermöglicht es Organisationen, ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren, Kundenverhalten zu verstehen und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen. Letztendlich hilft eine Big Data Analyse Unternehmen dabei, datengesteuerte Strategien zu entwickeln und ihre Leistung zu verbessern.

  • Was bedeuten Data Science und Data Engineering?

    Data Science bezieht sich auf die Analyse und Interpretation von Daten, um Erkenntnisse und Muster zu gewinnen, die bei der Lösung von Problemen und der Unterstützung von Entscheidungsprozessen helfen. Data Engineering hingegen bezieht sich auf die Entwicklung und Verwaltung von Dateninfrastrukturen, um sicherzustellen, dass Daten effizient erfasst, gespeichert, verarbeitet und analysiert werden können. Data Engineering legt den Fokus auf die technische Seite der Datenverarbeitung, während Data Science sich auf die Analyse und Interpretation der Daten konzentriert.

  • In welche Klasse geht DATA Luv?

    In welche Klasse geht DATA Luv? DATA Luv ist ein deutscher Rapper und Produzent, daher geht er wahrscheinlich nicht in eine Schule oder Klasse. Stattdessen konzentriert er sich auf seine Musikkarriere und arbeitet an neuen Projekten. Seine Musik ist bekannt für ihre eingängigen Beats und cleveren Texte, die oft Themen wie Technologie, Daten und das digitale Zeitalter behandeln. DATA Luv hat bereits mit bekannten Künstlern zusammengearbeitet und eine wachsende Fangemeinde um sich gesammelt. Seine Musik wird von vielen Fans und Kritikern gleichermaßen geschätzt.

  • Wie heißt Data Luv in echt?

    Wie heißt Data Luv in echt? Data Luv wurde als Marvin Schmid in Deutschland geboren. Er ist ein deutscher Rapper und Sänger, der vor allem für seine Autotune-verzerrten Vocals und seine Trap-Musik bekannt ist. Data Luv hat in den letzten Jahren eine große Fangemeinde aufgebaut und ist für seine eingängigen Hooks und energiegeladenen Performances beliebt. Sein Künstlername ist eine Kombination aus "Data" und "Love", was seine Liebe zur Musik und Technologie widerspiegelt.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Advances-in-Data-and:

  • Machine Learning in Production: Developing and Optimizing Data Science Workflows and Applications
    Machine Learning in Production: Developing and Optimizing Data Science Workflows and Applications

    Foundational Hands-On Skills for Succeeding with Real Data Science Projects This pragmatic book introduces both machine learning and data science, bridging gaps between data scientist and engineer, and helping you bring these techniques into production. It helps ensure that your efforts actually solve your problem, and offers unique coverage of real-world optimization in production settings. –From the Foreword by Paul Dix, series editor Machine Learning in Production is a crash course in data science and machine learning for people who need to solve real-world problems in production environments. Written for technically competent “accidental data scientists” with more curiosity and ambition than formal training, this complete and rigorous introduction stresses practice, not theory.   Building on agile principles, Andrew and Adam Kelleher show how to quickly deliver significant value in production, resisting overhyped tools and unnecessary complexity. Drawing on their extensive experience, they help you ask useful questions and then execute production projects from start to finish.   The authors show just how much information you can glean with straightforward queries, aggregations, and visualizations, and they teach indispensable error analysis methods to avoid costly mistakes. They turn to workhorse machine learning techniques such as linear regression, classification, clustering, and Bayesian inference, helping you choose the right algorithm for each production problem. Their concluding section on hardware, infrastructure, and distributed systems offers unique and invaluable guidance on optimization in production environments.   Andrew and Adam always focus on what matters in production: solving the problems that offer the highest return on investment, using the simplest, lowest-risk approaches that work. Leverage agile principles to maximize development efficiency in production projectsLearn from practical Python code examples and visualizations that bring essential algorithmic concepts to lifeStart with simple heuristics and improve them as your data pipeline maturesAvoid bad conclusions by implementing foundational error analysis techniquesCommunicate your results with basic data visualization techniquesMaster basic machine learning techniques, starting with linear regression and random forestsPerform classification and clustering on both vector and graph dataLearn the basics of graphical models and Bayesian inferenceUnderstand correlation and causation in machine learning modelsExplore overfitting, model capacity, and other advanced machine learning techniquesMake informed architectural decisions about storage, data transfer, computation, and communication Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Network Security with Netflow and IPFIX: Big Data Analytics for Information Security
    Network Security with Netflow and IPFIX: Big Data Analytics for Information Security

    A comprehensive guide for deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting NetFlow and learning big data analytics technologies for cyber security   Today’s world of network security is full of cyber security vulnerabilities, incidents, breaches, and many headaches. Visibility into the network is an indispensable tool for network and security professionals and Cisco NetFlow creates an environment where network administrators and security professionals have the tools to understand who, what, when, where, and how network traffic is flowing.   Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX is a key resource for introducing yourself to and understanding the power behind the Cisco NetFlow solution. Omar Santos, a Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) technical leader and author of numerous books including the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide, details the importance of NetFlow and demonstrates how it can be used by large enterprises and small-to-medium-sized businesses to meet critical network challenges. This book also examines NetFlow’s potential as a powerful network security tool.   Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX explores everything you need to know to fully understand and implement the Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution. It also provides detailed configuration and troubleshooting guidance, sample configurations with depth analysis of design scenarios in every chapter, and detailed case studies with real-life scenarios.   You can follow Omar on Twitter: @santosomar   NetFlow and IPFIX basics Cisco NetFlow versions and features Cisco Flexible NetFlow NetFlow Commercial and Open Source Software Packages Big Data Analytics tools and technologies such as Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Storm, Hive, HBase, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Additional Telemetry Sources for Big Data Analytics for Cyber Security Understanding big data scalability Big data analytics in the Internet of everything Cisco Cyber Threat Defense and NetFlow Troubleshooting NetFlow Real-world case studies    

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Data Breaches: Crisis and Opportunity
    Data Breaches: Crisis and Opportunity

    Protect Your Organization Against Massive Data Breaches and Their ConsequencesData breaches can be catastrophic, but they remain mysterious because victims don’t want to talk about them. In Data Breaches, world-renowned cybersecurity expert Sherri Davidoff shines a light on these events, offering practical guidance for reducing risk and mitigating consequences. Reflecting extensive personal experience and lessons from the world’s most damaging breaches, Davidoff identifies proven tactics for reducing damage caused by breaches and avoiding common mistakes that cause them to spiral out of control.You’ll learn how to manage data breaches as the true crises they are; minimize reputational damage and legal exposure; address unique challenges associated with health and payment card data; respond to hacktivism, ransomware, and cyber extortion; and prepare for the emerging battlefront of cloud-based breaches.Understand what you need to know about data breaches, the dark web, and markets for stolen dataLimit damage by going beyond conventional incident responseNavigate high-risk payment card breaches in the context of PCI DSSAssess and mitigate data breach risks associated with vendors and third-party suppliersManage compliance requirements associated with healthcare and HIPAAQuickly respond to ransomware and data exposure casesMake better decisions about cyber insurance and maximize the value of your policyReduce cloud risks and properly prepare for cloud-based data breaches   Data Breaches is indispensable for everyone involved in breach avoidance or response: executives, managers, IT staff, consultants, investigators, students, and more. Read it before a breach happens!Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Web and Network Data Science: Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics
    Web and Network Data Science: Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics

    Master modern web and network data modeling: both theory and applications. In Web and Network Data Science, a top faculty member of Northwestern University’s prestigious analytics program presents the first fully-integrated treatment of both the business and academic elements of web and network modeling for predictive analytics.   Some books in this field focus either entirely on business issues (e.g., Google Analytics and SEO); others are strictly academic (covering topics such as sociology, complexity theory, ecology, applied physics, and economics). This text gives today's managers and students what they really need: integrated coverage of concepts, principles, and theory in the context of real-world applications.   Building on his pioneering Web Analytics course at Northwestern University, Thomas W. Miller covers usability testing, Web site performance, usage analysis, social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and many other topics. He balances this practical coverage with accessible and up-to-date introductions to both social network analysis and network science, demonstrating how these disciplines can be used to solve real business problems.

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie installiert man Data Packs in Minecraft?

    Um Data Packs in Minecraft zu installieren, musst du zuerst sicherstellen, dass du die richtige Version des Spiels verwendest. Dann musst du den Data Pack herunterladen und in den Ordner "datapacks" deiner Minecraft-Welt kopieren. Starte das Spiel und öffne deine Welt, um das Data Pack zu aktivieren.

  • Was ist Big Data?

    Big Data bezieht sich auf große Mengen an Daten, die mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und Vielfalt generiert werden. Diese Daten können aus verschiedenen Quellen stammen, wie zum Beispiel sozialen Medien, Sensoren oder Transaktionen. Big Data ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Muster und Trends zu identifizieren, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren.

  • Wie alt Data Luv?

    Data Luv ist ein deutscher Rapper und wurde am 21. November 1998 geboren. Um sein genaues Alter zu berechnen, müsste man das aktuelle Jahr von seinem Geburtsjahr subtrahieren. Da wir uns im Jahr 2022 befinden, wäre er demnach 23 Jahre alt. Es ist wichtig, sein genaues Alter zu kennen, um seine Entwicklung und Erfolge in der Musikbranche besser nachvollziehen zu können. Hast du weitere Fragen zu Data Luv oder seiner Musikkarriere?

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